Lomé Cybersecurity Summit
Lomé, Togo
Under the High Patronage and in presence of the Togolese President, H.E. Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, the Lomé Cybersecurity Summit brought together more than 700 high-level delegates — including 14 ministers — from 29 countries on March 23-24, 2022, to explore the state of cybersecurity in Africa within five strategic pillars: legal, technical, organizational, capacity-building and cooperation. At the opening of the summit, President Gnassingbé received the African Cybersecurity Champion Prize from Vera Songwe, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). A total of 6,500 participants (in-person and virtual) enjoyed two full days of forward-thinking programming with public and private sector experts. The Lomé declaration on cybersecurity and fight against cybercrime was adopted during the summit.
- 14 Ministers
- 700 In-Person attendees
- 6,500 total participants
- 29 Countries